Thursday, February 4, 2010

If I Look At A Man And Get A Hard On Am I Gay Why Do Gay Men Almost Always Seem/look Gay, But It's Hard To Tell If Someone Is A Lesbian?

Why do gay men almost always seem/look gay, but it's hard to tell if someone is a lesbian? - if i look at a man and get a hard on am i gay

Well, because some girls loving act with other girls for the attention and not their own feelings. Half of the straight girls I know not mind getting to kiss another girl on the cheek, the attention of boys. It is also acceptable for a girl who acts "Tomboy-ish" to see a child behaving like "look feminine", because the stereotype of men is male or relaxed or whatever, but it is against the war "Testosterone" to act, even the least girly. When a man goes against the typical stereotype ISH will automatically think he is gay. Many of my friends and girlfriends lesbian tomboy-ish do not care much what others think of giving young people the opportunity to be what they really want and not be judged on their own, or by both sexes.


guava432... said...

This is not really true. I have many people who have hung for hours or even days to know before learning he gay. There are people who are extravagant, while some girls who can count and collect only if they are lesbian. It depends on the person who is not always judge a book by its cover. Some men men men men.

Don't Do Sadness said...

I think if people are gay flambouyant obvious, but not all men what they seem. You'll be surprised who is. As lesbians, we can sometimes say that some male traits, but even here we can not say all the time. Who knows? Your best friend is gay and you never know until you said.

Don't Do Sadness said...

I think if people are gay flambouyant obvious, but not all men what they seem. You'll be surprised who is. As lesbians, we can sometimes say that some male traits, but even here we can not say all the time. Who knows? Your best friend is gay and you never know until you said.

Robin said...

Hustlenflo ... C 'is an idiot. Shut up!

He asks a lot of stereotypes? OMG I know tons of gay guys who never think of a million years that they were homosexual. However, I know that are about 20 lesbians, who can see a mile away. Look no further appearances and get to know someone before you throw in a group. Cause the guy you call effiminate gay, could be the next love of your life. And let it pass you by your bias.

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